Now that you’ve booked a vacation trip to Vietnam and your international airfare for it, you are eager to move on to the next step, which is to secure your Vietnam visa. Unlike a few years ago, you no longer need to visit the Vietnamese embassy or its consulate near you or mail your visa application to them via courier or priority mail. Instead, you obtain Vietnam visa online. This is called electronic visa or e-visa for short.
This is where you must be extra careful to avoid being defrauded. You’ve got to make sure you are actually dealing with the Vietnamese government, not a middleman. The Vietnamese government only charges US$25 for the visa but a middleman can charge you $150 or more!
Some of these scammers are pretty sneaky. They use domain names ending with or .org to make the innocent applicant feel they are part of, or associated with, the Vietnamese government. They are not. We remind you to use the same precaution in applying for Cambodia or Laos e-visa.
With the COVID-19 pandemic on the wane, many Canadians and Americans are travelling overseas again. Recently, we have received many requests from travellers in Canada and the United States asking for help in this regard. We have proper links on our website to point these travellers in the right direction.